A flying Dutchman at large. Borderless volatile versatile creative international multilingual G2B/B2G connector and networker, business developer, evangelist, startup- and market entry coach, challenger and problem solver. Ardent urban cyclist. Individual Social Responsibility supporter. Definate outdoor sporter. Dutch by birth. Barcelonean by choice. European by lifestyle. Global by mindset.
Borderless creative international
Multilingual connector and networker
Startup and market entry coach barcelonean by choice
Problem solver responsibility supporter.
La Mesa Naranja: New Ideas Born On Tuesdays

In Barcelona, initiator of la Mesa Naranja: A self-perpetuating event for like-minded entrepreneurs: Any given Tuesday from 14:00 to 15:00hrs a random group of entrepreneurs savour an 11€ 3 course lunch at the Orange Table at restaurant ´La Consentida´ at Passeig de Gràcia No. 71, in central Barcelona, just steps away from the train- and metro station Passeig de Gràcia.
Call it a smart lunch: accessible, informal, non-committing, simple, fast and effective. The Mesa Naranja is based on the simple principle that everyone should get something to eat around lunch time to pursue productivity again for the remains of the day. Having it in company of like-minded and interesting people is more fun than your own.
La Mesa Naranja is no club, no association, but a simple lunch format where you can make optimal use of your lunchtime. You do not need to reserve or register: you attend by just showing up around 2pm at any given Tuesday that suits you and you´ll just see who´ll you find at the table there. It´s a plain serendipity exercise, as we don´t know how many or who´s showing up. But typically there´s at least 14 to 20 mesanaranjistas of us joining every Tuesday.
The one rule is that there´s no rule. First of all, it´s for all nationalities, not just for the Dutch, it´s not called la Mesa Holandesa after all. As Dutch people wanting to talk to just Dutch people are best off in the Netherlands, we think. ´Orange´ stands for an open, tolerant, straight-forward business mentality. So we very much welcome all nationalities who like to abide to that spirit. There´s no dress code. You can show up late if you want, that´s your thing. Bring business cards. You can bring flyers, you can introduce yourself to all or just be discrete if you prefer that. You can stand on the table and do a presentation, it´s up to every single responsible professional to make out of the Mesa what he or she wants. It´s a free world after all. Sure thing is, that many, many contacts and contracts have come about at this table.
As a reminder, you can enter ‘Mesa Naranja’ as a recurring weekly event on Tuesday between 14:00 and 15:00 in your smart phone calendar with an alert half an hour in advance.
If you can make it, then join. If not, then hey- there is always a next Tuesday :-). And please bring fun and interesting new people for an introduction.
Dutch Network Brussels
In Brussels, In Brussels, founder of an extended, coherent and respected business network, Dutch Network Brussels www.dutchnetwork.be

Orange Bike Days
Orange Bike Days is a multi-disciplinary set of events aimed to promote urban cyclism and convert car drivers into two-wheeled peddlers for a healthier urban environment, lower carbon footprint, better accessibility, better public health and smarter cities. Cycling is thé mode of transport for Human Being 2.0, the social responsable individual.
Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Sweden
In Stockholm, founded the Dutch Chamber in Sweden, an organisation with eight branch offices in both Sweden and the Netherlands, manned by over twenty volunteers. Formed a board, wrote business plan, conceived positioning-, marketing-, membership-, activity- and communication strategy, organised inauguration. www.dutchchamber.se


Opportunities in crisis, business in Barcelona
Ran for the Dutch government (Netherlands Business Support Office in Barcelona)
Promoting Dutch intrepid entrepreneurship in Barcelona as a viable city full of business opportunities, consisting of interviews, portraits and youtube movies of 42 Dutch entrepreneurs in Barcelona

The Orange Elevator Pitch
Initiator of Sequel to the ´Opportunities´-campaign, The Orange Elevator Pitch was another set of 42 interviews with Dutch entrepreneurs in Barcelona with succesfull business cases, interviewed, photographed and filmed, litterally in a stylish Barcelonean elevatorAlso ran for the Netherlands Business Support Office in Barcelona), promoting Dutch interpid entrepreneurship in Barcelona as a viable city full of business opportunities. The campaign got a 3D dimension when we converted it into a so-called pop-up expo, a temporary featherlight mobile exhibition that toured through Barcelona and the Netherlands along various trade events and locations.

Orange Horizons
For the Dutch government, describing business opportunities in Barcelona, Catalunya and Spain
In different sectors (mobile industry, transport & logistics) and various themes such as startups, shared economy and smart cities
Jasper has become the face behind NBSO Barcelona, a direct link between the Dutch people and the entrepreneurial movement here. Dutch entrepreneurship is well known, respected and appreciated in Catalonia, including among her governmental institutions, and Jasper, in a short time, has made a remarkable contribution to that. How? I personally would like to distinguish his easy approachability, strong network capacity, continuous focus on creating opportunities and great initiatives like The Orange Elevator Pitch and La Mesa Naranja. ¡Gracias Jasper!
Jeannette de GeusOwner, Rebain International
I got to know Jasper last year when he started his activities for the NBSO. In fact as a Dutch business owner living in Cataluña its impossible not know Jasper as he has connected with nearly everyone in the Dutch business community . I got to know Jasper as a person that is always trying to look for a win-win situation in trying to help people get introduced to each other that have mutual interests. He is open and friendly towards all people regardless of their function, creating a positive atmosphere at the countless functions he has organized or supervised. He has shaken and revitalized the Dutch Business community.
Owner Torre Nova Resort, quality management consultant
Really nice guy, great enabler making things work..
Within a short time after starting at NBSO Barcelona, Jasper managed to bring the Dutch business-community in Barcelona to noticeably higher levels. He intelligently acquaints himself with the activities of any business (Dutch or Spanish) and uses this knowledge to actively suggest and promote cooperation.
Remko DirkmaatIndependent Leisure, Travel & Tourism Professional
He intelligently acquaints himself with the activities of any business (Dutch or Spanish) and uses this knowledge to actively suggest and promote cooperation.(copy)
I have never seen somebody arrive, integrate and take an important roll in such a short time as Jasper did. The NBSO has become an important supporting institute for Dutch people and entrepreneurs in Barcelona and is very much appreciated among them. As a result of his practical and no nonsense approach, with the Mesa Naranja, a weekly lunch that became a standard, Jasper has been able to create a strong business network in the area.
Leon Bouma